INVENTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHS GunBunny's STORM Gallery Roger D. Smith,Sr. SET 01 (12 photos) (1 to print and scan) Note: There were already a few photos taken on the first roll of film when I left for the Gulf. Having nothing to do with the Gulf or events there, these negatives were removed upon being processed and placed with other family photographs. 0107: Flight line side entrance to hangar at New River, where we assembled for departure 0108: The "Sea Bag Drag..." All lined up for loading onto a transport. 0109: -do- 0110: Loading the seabags and footlockers for transport. 0111: Carry-on/special handling luggage being prepared for loading onto the buses 0112: Staff Sergeant Maurice Patterson and his wife 0113: -do- 0114: Final good byes and loading up for transport to MCAS Cherry Point 0115: MUST PRINT AND SCAN 0116: Staff Sergeant Patterson's wife through the bus window.. 0117: The UH-34 helicopter which can be seen at the front entrance to MCAS New River 0118: "Pardon our Noise, it's the Sound of Freedom." SET 02 (24 photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0201: Does Not Exist, set starts with next frame. 0202: Shot thru the clouds somewhere over Europe.. 0203: On the ground SOMEWHERE in KOSA, I think it was Ras al Jubail. 0204: Staff Sergeant Maurice Patterson, modeling a Staff NCO berthing space. Stacked 4 high 0205: "Main Street" (below decks) on the Wright, before we moved in. 0206: Marines checking out the CMS vans as they are brought on board 0207: 0208: SSgt. Keith Skogen, installing air conditioning in one of the computer vans 0209: -do- 0210: One of the vans as it is lowered below decks on the Wright 0211: Master Sergeant Normin Barbour, CMS Chief during the Gulf War. 0212: Looking off the port side, supplies on the beach. Purple T-Shirt occurred in building right. 0213: Forward port side of SS Curtis, our sister ship 0214: From the quarter deck, Marines preparing for a formation 0215: Forward ladder well. This is the one I took the fall in... 0216: MREs stored in preparation of field use. 0217: Staff Sergeant Billy Smith, one of the NCOs in the CMS division. 0218: Sergeant Wooley forward, unknown Marine to the rear sitting. 0219: Sergeant Smith(?), Sergeant Wooley and Master Sergeant Coleman 0220: CH-46 at Ras al Ghar, rotor blade cans forward on the deck. 0221: Unknown Marines at Ras al Ghar, working at the supply point. 0222: Marines setting up a portable generator at Ras al Ghar 0223: damaged negative, shot at flight line from supply point at Ras al Ghar 0224: damaged negative, CH-53 landing at Ras al Ghar 0225: CH-53 on the flight line SET 03 (37 photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0301: 1stLt. Kozerow, Supply Officer at Ras al Ghar 0302: 0303: 0304: 0305: 0306: 0307: 0308: 0309: 0310: 0311: 0312: 0313: 0314: 0315: 0316: 0317: 0318: 0319: 0320: 0321: 0322: SSgt. Keith Skogen CENSORED from publication, he didn't know I had film..... 0323: Merchant Marines on the Wright. Man on the right is one heck of a guitar player! 0324: Sergeant Bobby J. Lincoln 0325: Post Exchange compound at Ras al Jubail, this is the telephone tent line... 0326: Shot from the phonr tent line into the Post Exchange compound 0327: Another photo of the Post Exchange compound 0328: 0329: 0330: To the right is "the Scud Bowl," Jubail Soccer Stadium, where AV-8s were parked. 0331: Commercial ships loading/unloading at Jubail on the other side of the pier. 0332: CWO Mike Doyle in foreground, unknown Marine in background. 0333: The crane which brought all MPS vans on board.... 0334: The shore party, giving directions to the crane operator. 0335: Corporal Jeff Mouton, the Cajun of the group 0336: From the bridge on board the Wright looking forward. 0337: From the bridge of the Wright looking to port... SET 04 (37 photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0400: 0401: 0402: 0403: 0404: 0405: "Field Meet" below decks on the Wright. 0406: -do- 0407: -do- 0408: -do- 0409: Taken between the boat and Ras al Ghar and back... 0410: -do- 0411: -do- 0412: -do- 0413: -do- 0414: -do- 0415: -do- 0416: -do- 0417: -do- 0418: -do- 0419: -do- 0420: -do- 0421: -do- 0422: -do- 0423: -do- 0424: 0425: 1stLt Baxter checking out the port side dock.... 0426: Master Sergeant Coleman, Major Newman and 1stLt. Baxter at promotion ceremony 0427: "Pinning On" stripes.... 0428: The Wright from port side aft.. 0429: Saudi Port Authority Tower 0430: -do- 0431: Directly behind the tree is a Patriot missile battery 0432: -do- 0433: NOT a well fire. These chimneys went non stop the entire time we were in Jubail. 0434: -do- 0435: -do- 0436: Smoke so thick from chimneys that debris cannot be identified from 40 feet away... SET 05 (37 photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0501: 0502: 0503: 0504: 0505: 0506: 0507: 0508: 0509: 0510: 0511: 0512: 0513: 0514: 0515: 0516: 0517: 0518: 0519: 0520: 0521: 0522: 0523: 0524: 0525: 0526: 0527: 0528: 0529: 0530: 0531: Ras al Mishaab 0532: -do- 0533: -do- 0534: 0535: 0536: 0537: SET 06 (34 Photos) (Existing Prints Scanned) 0601: 0602: 0603: 0604: 0605: 0606: SSgt. Coleman on the side of the road coming back from Mishaab. 0607: 0608: 0609: 0610: 0611: Sgt. Charles P. O'Connell... 0612: Flight Ops on the Wright. 0613: -do- 0614: -do- 0615: -do- 0616: -do- 0617: -do- 0618: -do- 0619: -do- 0620: -do- 0621: Squadron party "on the beach" during flight ops. 0622: -do- 0623: CH-53E 0624: -do- 0625: Party on the beach 0626: -do- 0627: -do- 0628: CH-53E 0629: -do- 0630: Party on the beach 0631: -do- 0632: CH-53E 0633: Maj. Paul Newman 0634: CH-53E SET 07 (34 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0701: RH-53 coming aboard the Wright 0702: -do- 0703: Not Printable 0704: Lance Corporal Abert (pronounced A-Bear) with gas mask... 0705: Sergeant Charles O'Connell taking a nap... 0706: -do- 0707: SSgt. Sam Brown behind Sgt. O'Connell... 0708: The mail clerk sorting mail on the mess deck of the Wright. 0709: Sergeant Lincoln's re-enlistment on the flight deck of the Wright 0710: -do- 0711: Card game below decks after hours 0712: -do- 0713: -do- 0714:: Not printable 0715: 0716: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0717: The Gunny, catching a few z's during ops... 0718: It takes TWO Merchant Marines to replace a light bulb... 0719: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0720: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0721: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0722: NBC drill, in Staff berthing space on the Wright 0723: Sergeant Stephen Rowe, SysCo 0724: "Sal," a merchant marine crew member on the Wright. 0725: Unknown Marine "in the hole" 0726: 1stLt. Baxter on the lift.. 0727: 0728: CWO Michael Doyle 0729: (Civilian) Jerry Cotton 0730: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0731: GySgt. Roger D. Smith 0732: Sergeant O'Connell forward, unknown Marine to rear. 0733: 0734: 1stLt. Baxter 0735: -do- 0736: Sergeant Bobby J. Lincoln SET 08 (24 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0801: Markers where the SCUD warhead rests off our starboard side.. 0802: -do- 0803: -do- 0804: -do- 0805: -do- 0806: -do- 0807: -do- 0808: -do- 0809: -do- 0810: -do- 0811: -do- 0812: As close as we were allowed to get to a Boston Whaler in the Gulf 0813: Unknown WM.. 0814: Lcpl. Dan Gardner 0815: Fleet Hospital 5, located at Ras al Jubail 0816: 0817: Fleet Hospital 5 0818: -do- 0819: -do- 0820: Not Printable 0821: My colors, as raised during my tour in the Gulf aboard the Wright 0822: The Bull shit flag. Now, HERE's another story... 0823: The bull shit flag. 0824: Staff Sergeant Keith Skogen hoisting the bull shit flag. 0825: Prepared for flight ops on the flight deck of the Wright. Shot from the bridge. SET 09 (25 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 0901: Flight Ops on the Wright.. 0902: From the bridge, looking into the forward hold 0903: -do- 0904: Flight Ops on the Wright 0905: -do- 0906: -do- 0907: -do- 0908: -do- 0909: -do- 0910: -do- 0911: Rescue boat over the side during Flight Ops... 0912: Flight Ops on the Wright. 0913: -do- 0914: -do- 0915: -do- 0916: One of the many tugs at Jubail 0917: SCUD after recovery at Jubail in the Navy Compound 0918: SCUD -do- 0919: SCUD -do- 0920: SCUD -do- 0921: SCUD -do- 0922: SCUD -do- 0923: SCUD GySgt. Smith beside the one that could have nailed us all... 0924: To left is USNS Curtis, to right is USNS Wright. 0925: -do- SET 10 (34 Photos) (2 to reprint/scan) 1001: Sgt. Stephen Rowe with LtCol. McCalla.. 1002: Same subjects... 1003: Dhahran road trip 1004: -do- 1005: -do- 1006: -do- 1007: -do- 1008: -do- 1009: -do- 1010: PRINT THIS FRAME FOR SCAN 1011: Dhahran road trip 1012: -do- 1013: -do- 1014: -do- 1015: -do- 1016: WM Whose name I have forgotten, worked in Power Plants. 1017: -do- 1018: Aircraft staged at Jubail for transport to other locations 1019: One of MANY cargo ships that came and went, full of US War gear going home. 1020: From the "Crow's Nest," looking out towards the Scud Bowl. 1021: More aircraft and other weapons of war staged for shipment out of Jubail 1022: Forward hold from the Crow's Nest 1023: Crow's Nest, looking down at work being performed. 1024: -do- 1025: -do- 1026: Sgt. Bobby J. Lincoln 1027: PRINT THIS FRAME FOR SCAN 1028: Sgt. Stephen Rowe 1029: GySgt. Roger D. Smith,Sr. 1030: CWO_ Michael Doyle 1031: Group Photo 1032: Group Photo 1033: Group Photo 1034: MPS vans being cleaned and prepared for shipment home. 1035: -do- 1036: -do- SET 11 (35 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 1101: Not Printable 1102: 1103: 1104: 1105: 1106: War is over, cleaning the MPS vans for transport home... 1107: 1108: Rotor blades being packed back into blade cans after inspection 1109: Shot from quarter deck of Wright, "Purple T-Shirt" incident was in warehouse across... 1110: 1111: GySgt. Jay Rogers in foreground.. 1112: 1113: 1114: LtCol. McCalla with LtCol. Phelps during one of the CO's brief stops in Jubail... 1115: 1116: Necessity is the mother of invention.... 1117: 1118: 1119: Sgt. Bobby J. Lincoln 1120: 1121: 1122: Now HERE'S a story: Gunner Doyle's Birthday 1123: Starting photos of Khafji and Kuwait trip. 1124: 1125: 1126: 1127: 1128: 1129: 1130: 1131: 1132: 1133: 1134: 1135: 1136: SET 12 (23 Photos) (2 to reprint and scan) 1201: 1202: 1203: 1204: 1205: 1206: 1207: 1208: 1209: 1210: 1211: 1212: Start of Khafji photographs 1213: 1214: 1215: 1216: 1217: 1218: 1219: 1220: PRINT THIS FRAME FOR SCAN 1221: 1222: PRINT THIS FRAME FOR SCAN 1223: 1224: 1225: SET 13 (25 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 1301: Crossing the border into Kuwait at Nuwaiseeb 1302: 1303: 1304: 1305: 1306: 1307: 1308: 1309: 1310: 1311: 1312: 1313: 1314: 1315: 1316: 1317: 1318: 1319: 1320: 1321: 1322: 1323: 1324: 1325: SET 14 (25 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 1400: Coming into Kuwait International Airport... 1401: 1402: 1403: 1404: 1405: 1406: 1407: 1408: 1409: 1410: Leaving the airport, going north... 1411: 1412: 1413: 1414: 1415: 1416: 1417: 1418: 1419: 1420: 1421: 1422: 1423: 1424: SSgt. Skogen, Sgt. O'Connell on destroyed Russian tank... SET 15 (26 Photos) (all scanned and accounted for) 1500: Last Kuwait photo, unknown Marine at gunner's station on Russian tank. 1501: Back at Jubail, allied armament 1502: -do- 1503: MPS vans being reloaded on board the Wright for transport home to North Carolina. 1504: The shore party. 1505: Loading MPS vans. 1506: -do- 1507: -do- 1508: -do- 1509: -do- 1510: Aft side of the USNS Wright 1511: Final formation of personnel, colors were retired and returned to me for transport home.. 1512: -do- 1513: -do-, also Corporal Neyans being recognized. 1514: -do- 1515: -do- 1516: -do- 1517: Iraqi equipment at Jubail for transport to CONUS as spoils of war. 1518: -do- 1519: -do- 1520: SSgt. Keith Skogen checking out one of the tanks at Jubail awaiting transport to CONUS 1521: Iraqi equipment at Jubail 1522: GySgt. Smith checking out one of the tanks at Jubail... 1523: Iraqi equipment at Jubail 1524: -do- SET 16 (36 Photos) ( 1 to reprint/scan) 1600: Iraqi equipment at Jubail 1601: Staff Sergeant Bosevitch sitting on a Russian anti aircraft Gun... 1602: PRINT THIS FRAME FOR SCAN 1603: Iraqi equipment at Jubail 1604: -do- 1605: -do- 1606: -do- 1607: -do- 1608: -do- 1609: -do- 1610: -do- 1611: -do- 1612: -do- 1613: -do- 1614: -do- 1615: Iraqi equipment at Jubail 1616: 1617: The Czech ship docked aft of the Wright 1618: 1619: 1620: 1621: 1622: 1623: Taken on my last run to Ras al Ghar prior to departure for home. 1624: -do- 1625: -do- 1626: -do- 1627: -do- 1628: -do- 1629: -do- 1630: -do- 1631: -do- 1632: -do- 1633: -do- 1634: -do- 1635: You can see two Patriot missile systems in firing position. Right has doors open... 1636: Last photo taken of the Wright in KOSA. Notes relative to the photographs found in this collection. Upon completion of my tour in the Gulf War, I came home and almost immediately got all film in my possession processed at the local K Mart. Upon receiving the photographs, I assembled and numbered them all, then turned over numbered prints ONLY to my command at that time so the command could determine what copies they wanted for their archives. When I got the prints back, I mounted the entire collection into photo albums and (thought I) secured the negatives in a safe place. A few months after the above events, my wife and I separated for a period of about 2 years, and during this time the negatives sat in a footlocker that was in storage. Upon my wife and I getting back together, the footlocker was brought out of storage and kept at our home. During April 1998, a family emergency led to the permanent relocation of myself and my wife to our present location. At that time, the photos and negatives were all removed from the footlocker and packaged for transport to our new home. They went untouched for over 2 years before just last month, when I once again opened the boxes. Upon opening the boxes during August 2000, I discovered that the photo albums were missing but most of the negatives were accounted for. Negatives and prints for SET 06, however, were unaccounted for. I immediately sent all available negative sets in for reprints and upon receipt scanned all imagery to disk for further processing. On Sunday, 20 August 2000, my sister-in-law handed me a box containing articles which she found in storage which included 2 of the original 3 Gulf War photo albums. Going through these, I found photos originally identified in 1991 as SET 06. The set of images presently identified as SET 06 on this disk is scanned images from the original photo set which was found in storage. I can personally state beyond all doubt that the photos contained in this collection were taken during the Gulf War, by me or one of my friend (Sergeants Bobby J. Lincoln or Charles P. O'Connell) using my camera. There is one more set of photos and negatives unaccounted for, taken during the trip home (Staging, Italy, US east coast and New River). Roger D. Smith,Sr. Gunnery Sergeant U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)